General criteria for participants

Inclusion CriteriaExclusion criteria
Aged 18-60 yearsRecent (in the preceding 3 months) use of drugs known to alter immune function (e.g. azathioprine, cyclosporine, methotrexate, steroids), use of anti-viral medications, or vaccination (e.g. ‘flu).
ME/CFS cases must have a clinical diagnosis using CCC and/or CDC 1994 criteria.History of acute or chronic infectious diseases such as hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis, HIV (but not herpes virus or other retrovirus infection).
MS cases must have a confirmed diagnosis made by an NHS consultant neurologist according to NICE guidelineOther severe illnesses (e.g. cancer).
Informed consent givenPsychiatric diagnosis (e.g. schizophrenia or severe mood disorder, such as current severe depression).
Pregnant women and those within 12 months’ post-partum and/or currently lactating.
For MS cases, conditions other than MS that could explain their chronic fatigue.
For “healthy controls”, current or past fatiguing illness and/or other major morbidity.